Arjun Kapoor’s character teaser from his upcoming film Half Girlfriend received mixed reviews from his fans. While a few thought it was a great attempt, the actor received backlash for playing his character like a stereotype. Before the trailer launch, the actor in conversation with his fans over Twitter spoke about the difficulties he faced while becoming Raju Kothari (his character in Half Girlfriend).
Arjun said that the journey to become Raju Kothari was difficult because of a lot of things, out of which the accent for sure was one. He said, “It was a big eye-opener. To learn an accent, you have to learn about history, about why they speak the way they do. You have to know all aspects of the place to know about the culture of the character you will be playing on-screen. So, it was challenging.”
Now, the next challenge was playing basketball. “Basketball sequences were tough because you are acting but not playing. Whenever you go wrong, you replicate the entire sequence from scratch. We managed to get a couple of moves which made it easier for us. Learning basketball again was amazing. We had coaches from NBA but shooting for it is just like any action sequence because you are not playing it to play but it’s an act that you’ve to get right.”
Talking about the trailer, which will release in a while, Arjun said that it has each and every element of the film and for sure would make his fans happy.
He also spoke about music in the film and said, “Any Mohit Suri’s film has great music. He makes music that helps in progression of the story. He brings in the feel in music which cannot be acted on the screen. I really feel amazing for being a part of such a film which has such a great music. But I will leave it to you to decide the rest.”
Half Girlfriend also stars Shraddha Kapoor. The film is directed by Mohit Suri and produced by Chetan Bhagat, who has written the novel too.
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